5.20 Qiandao Lake riding activities successfully concluded

TIME:2017/7/8 16:59:24

I am quite often asked why Candor is so keen to organize cycling activities.

Where I answer - maybe only those who are on the road

Truly understand the real meaning of cycling.

SO, on this 520, join us at the beautiful Thousand-Island Lake and leave all your worries behind!


Thousand-Island Lake is an ideal destination for light travel

With spectacular natural scenery

And specially-designed greenway for cyclists


Here you can be away from the city hustle and bustle

And immerse yourself in the green mountains and rivers, blue sky and white clouds

That sweep past one by one


Green is the vibration between the trees

The taste of the mountain breeze


The joy of raising and waving your arms

Is the best way to release your emotions

Go on a journey with the like-minded

Head to the destination with one heart

And never stop trying

Even with roadblocks ahead

During this journey

Meet beautiful things

And stay inspired

Become a better self


In this two-day cycling around the 250km

Thousand-Island Lake cycling greenway

We can do better next time


The same is true of our work beliefs

There is no best

But only better!

                                                                             Continuous improvement is our eternal goal.
